CSSCI来源集刊 | AMI核心集刊 主管:武汉大学 主办:武汉大学经济与管理学院
Enterprise Digitalization and International Expansion: Based on the New OLI Research Framework
李梅 (武汉大学经济与管理学院)
朱韵 (武汉大学经济与管理学院)
孙偲琬 (武汉大学经济与管理学院)

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关键词:数字化 国际化扩张 新 OLI 范式

Abstract: Digitalization is the process by which firms use digital technology and information to transform their business operations. The development of digitalization has facilitated the acquisition and rapid flow of various resources and knowledge information for international expansion. Based on the new international business (IB) theory under the background of digital globalization, the new OLI advantages emphasizes that digitalization can promote the open resource advantage, linkage advantage, and integration advantage to promote and accelerate the firm's international expansion. Based on this theory, this paper takes the listed Chinese manufacturing firms that implemented international expansion from 2010 to 2019 as samples, explores the impact and channels of digitalization on international expansion and the speed of internationalization. The study found that digitalization has a positive effect on international expansion and the speed of internationalization, and the results are valid after controlling for endogeneity and conducting a series of robustness tests. Open resource, linkage and integration are important channels through which digitalization affects international expansion. Heterogeneity analysis shows that the company's technological dependence, R&D investment, external support, asset, and organizational slack are important factors that affect the positive effect of digitalization on international expansion. This study broadens the new ideas for research on international expansion strategies of firms under the context of digital globalization, providing important references for Chinese manufacturing enterprises to reshape their international competitive advantages in the new era through digital transformation.

keywords:Digitalization; International expansion; New OLI advantages.

通讯作者:李梅;E-mail: limeiwhu111@163.com
引用本文:李梅, 朱韵, 孙偲琬. 企业数字化与国际化扩张:基于新OLI范式的研究框架[J]. 珞珈管理评论, 2023, 50(5): 1-23.