CSSCI来源集刊 | AMI核心集刊 主管:武汉大学 主办:武汉大学经济与管理学院
Why Are Fans so Insane? Research on the Effectiveness of Social Media Advertising on Communication Based on Enterprise Content Marketing
郑仕勇 (海南大学管理学院;桂林电子科技大学商学院)
李文杰 (山东财经大学工商管理学院)
刘华 (桂林电子科技大学商学院)

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关键词:内容营销 产品类型 理智动机 情感动机 口碑推荐

Abstract: The social media has created excellent opportunities for innovation and growth for business. Social media enhances the diversity of content marketing communication, and businesses place greater emphasis on "connection" and "empathy" with users. According to a number of scholars, emotional content can facilitate a strong connection between businesses and consumers, resulting in effective content marketing communication. Therefore, this study examines in depth the influence of information content, entertainment content, and emotional content within the field of content marketing, using social media content marketing as the starting point. The information content marketing communication model is more conducive to the marketing and promotion of functional products than hedonic products, according to secondary data and experimental research. The marketing communication mode of entertainment content and emotional content is more conducive to the marketing promotion of hedonic products than that of functional products. Intellectual motivation is a variable that mediates the influence of information content and product type on word-of-mouth endorsement. In the process of the interaction between entertainment content/emotional content and product type on word-of-mouth recommendation, emotional motivation is the intermediate variable.

keywords:Content marketing; Product type; Rational motivation; Emotional motivation; Word-of-mouth recommendations

通讯作者:李文杰;E-mail: 1207362700@qq.com
引用本文:郑仕勇, 李文杰, 刘华. 粉丝因何狂热?——基于企业内容营销的社会化媒体广告传播效果研究[J]. 珞珈管理评论, 2023, 51(6): 150-171.