CSSCI来源集刊 | AMI核心集刊 主管:武汉大学 主办:武汉大学经济与管理学院
社会排斥对消费者个性化广告侵入性感知的影响: 隐私线索敏感性的中介作用
The Effect of Social Exclusion on Consumers' Perceived Intrusiveness of Personalized Advertising: The Mediating Role of Perceived Sensitivity to Privacy Cues
望海军 (武汉纺织大学传媒学院)
刘景港 (武汉纺织大学传媒学院)
王慧 (武汉纺织大学传媒学院)

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关键词:个性化广告 社会排斥 侵入性感知 敏感性感知

Abstract: Although personalized ads are common on major websites, consumers still feel invaded when viewing ads, so it is critical to explore the factors that influence intrusive perceptions. This paper explores how social exclusion affects consumers' intrusive perceptions of personalized ads based on a heuristic-systems model. Through three studies, it is found that excluded (vs. non-excluded) consumers perceive lower levels of intrusiveness in personalized advertisements and that the perceived sensitivity of privacy cues mediates the effect of social exclusion vs. non-exclusion) on consumers' perceived intrusiveness of personalized advertisements. In addition, the study found that self-consciousness moderated the effect of social exclusion vs.no exclusion) on the perceived sensitivity of privacy cues. The findings of this study contribute both to increasing the knowledge of advertising practitioners related to the perceived intrusiveness of personalized advertising and to providing strong theoretical support for firms' personalized advertising policies.

keywords:Personalized advertising; Social exclusion; Intrusive perception; Sensitivity perception

通讯作者:刘景港;E-mail: gang199706010416@163.com
引用本文:望海军, 刘景港, 王慧. 社会排斥对消费者个性化广告侵入性感知的影响: 隐私线索敏感性的中介作用[J]. 珞珈管理评论, 2023, 51(6): 117-131.