CSSCI来源集刊 | AMI核心集刊 主管:武汉大学 主办:武汉大学经济与管理学院
A Cross-level Empirical Study on Supervisor's MCB and OCB Impacting Subordinate's OCB from the Social Information Processing Perspective
陈建安 (武汉大学经济与管理学院)
金泽林 (武汉大学经济与管理学院)
陈武 (江西师范大学商学院)
陈明艳 (上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院)

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关键词:管理公民行为 组织公民行为 感知领导—成员交换关系质量 组织认同 社会信息加工

Abstract: Supervisor management citizenship behavior (MCB) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as the corresponding behaviors of leader role and organizational member role respectively, may have impacts on subordinate OCB.Based on social information processing theory, this paper investigated the different influencing mechanisms of supervisor MCB and OCB on subordinate OCB. Using the paired data collected from 95 supervisors and 660 subordinates, our findings were as follows: Both supervisor's MCB and OCB can stimulate subordinate's OCB, and the former has greater impact than the latter; Supervisor MCB promotes subordinate OCB through the mediate roles of perceived leader-member exchange and organizational identification; supervisor OCB promotes subordinate OCB based on the automatic processing. These conclusions deepened the understanding of the social-information-processing mechnisms through which supervisor's role behaviours exert an impact to subordinate OCB and provided a valueable supplement for the interpretation of supervisor promoting subordinate OCB.

keywords:Managerial citizenship behaviour; Organizational citizenship behaviour; Perceived leader-member exchange; Organizational identification; Social information processing.

通讯作者:陈建安;E-mail: chenjianan@whu.edu.cn
引用本文:陈建安, 金泽林, 陈武, 陈明艳. 主管的管理公民行为和组织公民行为对下属组织公民行为的影响——社会信息加工视角的跨层研究[J]. 珞珈管理评论, 2023, 50(5): 73-91.