Abstract: Supervisor management citizenship behavior (MCB) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as the corresponding behaviors of leader role and organizational member role respectively, may have impacts on subordinate OCB.Based on social information processing theory, this paper investigated the different influencing mechanisms of supervisor MCB and OCB on subordinate OCB. Using the paired data collected from 95 supervisors and 660 subordinates, our findings were as follows: Both supervisor's MCB and OCB can stimulate subordinate's OCB, and the former has greater impact than the latter; Supervisor MCB promotes subordinate OCB through the mediate roles of perceived leader-member exchange and organizational identification; supervisor OCB promotes subordinate OCB based on the automatic processing. These conclusions deepened the understanding of the social-information-processing mechnisms through which supervisor's role behaviours exert an impact to subordinate OCB and provided a valueable supplement for the interpretation of supervisor promoting subordinate OCB.