CSSCI来源集刊 | AMI核心集刊 主管:武汉大学 主办:武汉大学经济与管理学院
The Influence of Manufacturer Exploitation on Distributor Voice——A Study from Relational Exchange Perspective
鄂嫚迪 (东北财经大学工商管理学院)
李晓飞 (东北财经大学工商管理学院)
张闯 (大连理工大学经济管理学院)

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关键词:经销商建言 制造商剥削行为 人情 关系嵌入 网络密度

Abstract: Distributor voice in the channel is an important way for manufacturers to grasp customer needs, respond to market changes and obtain competitive advantages. Based on relational exchange theory, this paper explores the impact of manufacturer exploitation on distributor voice and reveals the possible boundary conditions of this influence from different levels. The empirical results show that manufacturer exploitation has a significant negative effect on distributor voice. However, the renqing between channel boundary spanners, the embeddedness of manufacturer-distributor relationship, and the network density of distributor groups can weaken this negative impact. This paper further explores the theoretical contribution of the research findings and its practical value for the practice of enterprise channel management.

keywords:Distributor voice; Manufacturer exploitation; Renqing; Relationship embeddedness; Network density.

通讯作者:张闯, Email: zhangchuang@dlut.edu.cn
引用本文:鄂嫚迪, 李晓飞, 张闯. 制造商剥削行为对经销商建言行为的影响——基于关系交换视角的研究[J]. 珞珈管理评论, 2023, 49(4): 134-156.