CSSCI来源集刊 | AMI核心集刊 主管:武汉大学 主办:武汉大学经济与管理学院
Research on the Ethical Risk of Electronic Performance Monitoring and Its Spillover Effect
张永军 (河南大学商学院)
李瑶 (河南大学商学院)
单格妍 (河南大学商学院)
刘智强 (华中科技大学管理学院)

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关键词:电子绩效监控 隐私疲劳 道德建言 电子绩效监控目的 传统性

Abstract: As a new type of upgrading monitoring, the ethical risk arising from electronic performance monitoring(EPM) is an issue of concern. Based on conservation of resources theory, the ethical risk induced by EPM and its spillover effect were explored by analyzing the data from 350 longitudinal follow-up questionnaire studies. The empirical results show that EPM further inhibits individuals' ethical voice by stimulating privacy fatigue. This process will be influenced by the purpose of electronic performance monitoring and individuals' traditionality characteristics. The developmental electronic performance monitoring negatively moderates the stimulation of privacy fatigue by EPM, which in turn enhances individual ethical voice; while the deterrent electronic performance monitoring positively moderates the stimulation of privacy fatigue by EPM, which in turn further reduces individual ethical voice. Compared with individuals with high traditionality, EPM stimulate privacy fatigue more strongly in low traditionality individuals and thus has a greater negative effect on ethical voice.

keywords:Electronic performance monitoring ; Privacy fatigue ; Ethical voice ; Electronic performance monitoring purpose ; Traditionality

通讯作者:刘智强, E-mail:zqliu@hust.edu.cn
引用本文:张永军, 李瑶, 单格妍, 刘智强. 电子绩效监控的伦理风险及其溢出效应[J]. 珞珈管理评论, 2025, 58(1): 64-80.