CSSCI来源集刊 | AMI核心集刊 主管:武汉大学 主办:武汉大学经济与管理学院
How Does Corporate Senior Leaders' Political Ability Contribute to Organizational Resilience?——Research on Dual Paths Based on Network Location and Open Innovation
梁燕 (中国海洋大学国际事务与公共管理学院)
李燕萍 (武汉大学经济与管理学院)
玉玥 (中国海洋大学国际事务与公共管理学院)

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关键词:企业高层领导政治能力 组织韧性 开放式创新 网络位置 环境敌对性

Abstract: In the complex and changeable external environment, the political ability of senior leaders plays an important role in enhancing the organizational resilience of enterprises. Through a questionnaire survey of 254 senior leaders, this paper uses SEM to verify the mechanism of the influence of senior leaders' political ability on organizational resilience. The research results show that the political ability of c leaders can positively promote the network centrality, the position of structural holes and the open innovation of enterprises, and can enhance the organizational resilience of enterprises through the independent mediating and chain mediating effects of network location and inward open innovation. Environmental hostility, on the other hand, plays a significant positive moderating role in the relationship between senior leaders' political ability and enterprise network position(centrality and structural holes), as well as in the relationship between political ability of senior leaders and inward open innovation of the enterprise. This is further demonstrated through moderated mediation and moderated chain mediation. The interaction between environmental hostility and the political ability of senior leaders of enterprises affects the organizational resilience of enterprises through the mediating of network centrality, inward open innovation, and the chain mediating of “network centrality → inward open innovation”.

keywords:Political ability of enterprise senior leaders ; Organizational resilience ; Open innovation ; Network location ; Environmental hostility

通讯作者:玉玥, E-mail:yuyue4477@163.com
引用本文:梁燕, 李燕萍, 玉玥. 企业高层领导政治能力何以促进组织韧性?——基于网络位置与开放式创新的双重路径研究[J]. 珞珈管理评论, 2025, 58(1): 43-63.