CSSCI来源集刊 | AMI核心集刊 主管:武汉大学 主办:武汉大学经济与管理学院
The Cognitive Mechanism of Impulse Purchase Intention in Limited-time Promotions: An Empirical Study Based on Time Pressure and Prospective Emotions
温兴琦 (武汉大学经济与管理学院)
周邦栋 (武汉大学经济与管理学院)
周敏 (湖南大学金融与统计学院)

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关键词:限时促销 时间压力 冲动购买意愿 前瞻性情绪 产品类型

Abstract: The frequent hosting of shopping festivals has led to a decline in consumers' perception of limited-time promotion activities. Addressing the marketing fatigue caused by the proliferation of fabricated festivals and reigniting market vitality have become an urgent challenge for the industry. With the emergence of more emotional consumption forms and the trend of consumer shopping behavior pre-positioning, prospective emotions are increasingly becoming a critical factor influencing purchasing behavior. Therefore, exploring the evolutionary process of consumers' prospective emotions during limited-time promotions holds significant practical implications.Based on the S-O-R analysis framework, we construct an intermediate model with time pressure as the independent variable, prospective emotions(anticipated regret, anticipated delight) as the mediating variable, and impulse purchase intention as the dependent variable, while also analyzing the moderating effect of product type. Through two experimental studies, we find that time pressure during limited-time promotions significantly positively influences consumers' impulse purchase intention. The type of product plays a moderating role between time pressure and consumers' impulse purchase intention. Prospective emotions mediate the interaction effect of time pressure and product type on consumers' impulse purchase intention. Specifically, when facing hedonic products, time pressure significantly positively influences the prospective emotions of consumers, thereby amplifying differences in impulse purchase intention. In contrast, when facing utilitarian products, time pressure does not significantly affect prospective emotions or impulse purchase intention.This study extends the application of the S-O-R theory in the field of limited-time promotions, delineates boundary conditions under which limited-time promotional activities effectively function based on product type, deepens our understanding of prospective emotions driving impulse purchases, and provides practical guidance for businesses to optimize their limited-time marketing strategies.

keywords:Limited-time promotions; Time pressure; Impulse purchase intention; Prospective emotions; Product type

通讯作者:温兴琦, E-mail:bosswenxq@163.com
引用本文:温兴琦, 周邦栋, 周敏. 限时促销中消费者冲动购买意愿的认知机制:基于时间压力和前瞻性情绪的实证研究[J]. 珞珈管理评论, 2024, 57(6): 115-133.