CSSCI来源集刊 | AMI核心集刊 主管:武汉大学 主办:武汉大学经济与管理学院
Research on Digital Divide and Resident Income Mobility
李云峰 (江西师范大学财政金融学院)
阳凯 (江西师范大学财政金融学院)
王镇荣 (江西师范大学财政金融学院)

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关键词:数字鸿沟 收入流动性 收入阶层

Abstract: Income mobility is an important perspective to understand the inequality of income distribution. This study reconstructs income mobility indicators based on changes in income rankings and explores the impact of the digital divide on residents’ absolute and relative income mobility. The study found that the digital divide has a significant negative impact on the absolute income flow of residents, and will lead to the downward flow and non-flow of residents’ income class, and inhibit the upward flow of residents’ income class. Mechanism analysis finds that the digital divide will affect residents’ income mobility by inhibiting entrepreneurship and weakening credit availability. Heterogeneity analysis shows that the digital divide has a significant negative impact on the income mobility of non-elderly, central and western regions, and rural residents. This study deepens the understanding of the impact of the digital divide on residents’ income mobility and provides a useful reference for improving and optimizing residents’ income distribution.

keywords:Digital divide; Income mobility; Income bracket

通讯作者:李云峰;E-mail: 806582850@qq.com
引用本文:李云峰, 阳凯, 王镇荣. 数字鸿沟与居民收入流动性研究[J]. 珞珈管理评论, 2024, 55(4): 98-115.