CSSCI来源集刊 | AMI核心集刊 主管:武汉大学 主办:武汉大学经济与管理学院
Harmony in Family, Prosperity at Work? A Meta-analysis on the Relationship Between Family Supportive Supervisor Behavior and Employee Well-being
孟雪 (中国人民大学公共管理学院)
刘豆豆 (中国人民大学公共管理学院)
李超平 (中国人民大学公共管理学院)
胥彦 (江苏大学管理学院)

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关键词:家庭支持型主管行为 员工幸福感 元分析 调节效应

Abstract: Employee well-being (EWB) plays a vital role in fostering sustainable organizational development. As a management strategy aimed at assisting employees in achieving work-family balance, the impact of family supportive supervisor behaviors (FSSB) on EWB has been a hot topic of research interest, but there is no consensus on the study findings. Based on 102 empirical articles and 125 independent samples (N=65489), we conduct a meta-analysis to synthesize the relationship between FSSB and EWB. Results show that FSSB has a positive influence on both work-related and non-work-related EWB, with a stronger effect on work-related EWB. Moreover, employees' gender, job category, industry characteristics, national region, and measurement tools play important roles in moderating the relationship between FSSB and EWB. The relationship turns stronger when the participants are female, engaged in knowledge-based work, operating in high-tech industries, located in Eastern countries, or utilizing Hammer et al.'s four-dimensional scale.

keywords:Family supportive supervisor behavior; Employee well-being; Meta-analysis; Moderating effects

通讯作者:李超平,E-mail: lichaoping@ruc.edu.cn
引用本文:孟雪, 刘豆豆, 李超平, 胥彦. 家和业兴,两全其美?家庭支持型主管行为与员工幸福感关系的元分析[J]. 珞珈管理评论, 2024, 54(3): 1-16.